Natural Resources and Sustainability

In this category, we provides the following:

  • Environmental Impact Assessment in Projects
  • Remote Sensing and Land use planning
  • Base Line Methodologies for Clean Development Projects (CDD)
  • Result Based Management Strategy
  • Forestry and Agro-forestry management
  • Game and Wild Life Management
  • Negotiation and Mediation for Natural Resources Management
  • Desertification and re-Forestation
  • Costal Management and Protection
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Drought Management / Disaster Planning
  • Regulation & Exploitation of mineral Resources

Results Based Monitoring (Design, Strategy & Implementation)

Our Services in this category includes the following:

  • Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation in Projects
  • Management of Grants and Donor Funds
  • Project and Program Administration
  • Monitoring and evaluation of Public Sector Projects
  • Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Capacity Needs Assessment
  • Governance and Institutional Strengthening (GIS)
  • Monitoring Poverty Alleviation Projects and Reporting
  • Data Analysis and Reporting

Gender and Development Action (GDA)

In this category, we provides the following:

  • Gender Mainstreaming (Critical Skills & Analysis)
  • Gender Budgeting and Reporting
  • Gender Audit
  • Gender Monitoring and Reporting
  • Gender and HIV /AIDS
  • Women and Leadership

Good Governance & Best Practices

In this category, we provides the following:

  • Corporate Governance and Implementation
  • Setting Governance Benchmarks
  • Promoting Accountability and Good Ethics
  • Prevention of Corruption and Fraud

Procurement and Finance

In this category, we provides the following;

  • Public Sector Procurement Development
  • Fiscal Decentralization and Prevention of Corruption
  • Designing Effective Financial Management System for NGOs and Public Sector projects
  • Financial Reporting Standards for Public sector Bodies
  • Auditing & Investigation
  • Procurement Management for Donor finance Projects
  • Anti-Money Laundering and Enforcement
  • Public Procurement Management

Water Resources Management (Improvement and Sustainability)

In this category, We provides the following:

  • Integrated Water resources Management for River Basins
  • Revenue Management Improvement for Water Utility Bodies
  • EIA in Dam and Watershed Infrastructure development
  • Conflict Resolution in Natural Resources Management
  • Institutional Strengthening in Natural Resources Management
  • Water and Sanitation Management
  • Management of Irrigation Projects
  • Regulation & Utilization of Water Resources
  • SWAP and Sector Wide Approaches

Sustainable Agriculture Development

In this category, We provides the following:

  • Management of Rural Development
  • Agricultural Credit Management
  • Expert Business Development for Agro Based Products
  • Policy Analysis for Agricultural Development
  • Agricultural Models: DSSAT and APSIM Applications
  • Eco-Analysis projects
  • Agricultural Co-operative Development
  • Disease Surveillance in Agricultural Development
  • Gender in Agriculture

Public Health Management

In this category, We provides the following:

  • Sector Analysis and Policy Review for Public Health Reform
  • Decentralization of Primary Health Promotion Development
  • Social and Primary Health Care Promotion
  • Institutional Strengthening and Linkages in Health Development
  • Disease Surveillance, Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Health Research and Reporting
  • Capacity Development for Health Professionals
  • Gender in Health Development
  • Health Management Information Systems
  • Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Health Projects
  • Results Based Country Specific health Program
  • Health Infrastructure Regulation

General Management and Administration

In this Broad Category, we provide an integrated management development support services in the following areas:

  • Strategic Planning
  • Process Improvement in the Public Sector (Sigma Six Model)
  • Leadership Skills and development for Public Sector Executives
  • Conflict Resolution and Consensus Building
  • Developing Skills for Personal Assistants in the Public Sector
  • Development Leadership
  • Contract and Contracting Management
  • Project Management Information Systems
  • Performance Management Improvement in the Public Sector
  • Program Development
  • Women in Leadership
  • Actuarial Advisory Consulting Services
  • Managing People in the Public Sector
  • Implementing and Total Quality Management in the Public Sector
  • Performance Management for Public Sector Employees
  • Talent Management and Succession Planning
  • Knowledge Management and Retention in the Public Sector
  • Management and implement Public Sector Pension Reforms

Micro-Finance and Poverty Alleviation Development for Micro-finance Institutions

In this category, We provides the following:

  • Social Performance Management for Micro-finance institutions
  • Information Systems for Micro-Finance Institutions
  • Monitoring, Evaluation and Measuring of Micro-Finance Institutions
  • Operational Risk Management for Micro-Finance Institutions
  • Loan Portfolio Audit for Micro-Finance Institutions
  • External Audit of Micro-Finance Institutions
  • Delinquency Management and Interest Rate Setting
  • Business Planning for Micro-finance Institutions
  • Accounting and Finance for Micro-finance Institutions
  • Management Development Program for Micro-Finance Institutions

Business Process Improvements

In this category, we provides the following:

  • Public Sector Process Focus Strategic Planning
  • Strategy, Design and Implementation of Process Oriented Development methodology
  • Business Process Re-engineering and Continuous Process Improvement
  • Design, Strategy and Implementation of Balance Score card
  • Business Process Intelligence Model
  • Enterprise Management Model
  • Advanced Process Mapping

Information Communication Technology (ICT)

In this category, We provides the following:

  • ICT Application for Public Sectors
  • E-Government Development Strategy
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Web Design and Development for Decentralized Public Entities
  • Information Security and Data Protection
  • Public Sector ICT Procurement

NGO and Non-Profit Development

In this category, We provides the following:

  • Gender Mainstreaming in NGO Projects
  • NGO Finance and Budgeting
  • Developing an NGO Finance Strategy
  • Monitoring and Evaluation of NGO Projects
  • Financial Management for NGOs
  • Training for Non-Finance Managers
  • Grant Management and Disbursement
  • Building a Finance strategy for NGOs
  • Practical Finance Tools and Strategies for NGOs
  • Finance and Project Management for NGOs

Oil, Gas, Energy and Petro-Chemicals

In this category, We provides the following:

  • Strategic Fuel Management
  • Energy management Information Systems
  • Development and Innovation in Petroleum Retailing
  • Regulation Exploitation of oil and Gas Resources
  • Fundamental of Petroleum Geology
  • Auditing for Oil, Gas and Petro-chemical Companies
  • Geothermal Development strategy
  • Exploration and Production Accounting
  • Leadership and Supervision in the Oil and Gas industry
  • Transmission & Distribution of Electrical Power

Parliamentary and Election Monitoring

In strengthening democracy in Africa, this program seeks to provide consultancy and service level in the following areas;

  • Parliamentary Administration and Management
  • Election Monitoring and Reporting
  • Developing Capacity for Newly elected Parliamentarians
  • Parliamentary Capacity Building Program
  • Strengthening Parliaments in Emerging Democracies
  • Legislative Drafting
  • Legislative Strengthening and Development
  • Parliaments and Democracy



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To apply for an out-of-country open access training program, please click on your preferred training institute below and follow the links to the relevant website where you will find their full course calendar, online application forms, and other relevant information for your choice of partner institution.